: It's all about LifeStyle, Fashion & Shopping

Nothing adds class and elegance to an individual, than a nice wristwatch, and Ed Hardy watches are perfect examples of it. Unlike all watches you have probably ever seen, nothing compares to rocker chic of Ed Hardy watches. And this is simply because of fantastic tattoo designs of Don Ed Hardy, the father of modern tattoos, on their background and straps.

Ed Hardy is definitely one of the hottest brands and is a strong favorite among a whole list of style icons and celebrities. Ed Hardy brand is based in LA and was founded in 2004 by French designer Christian Audigier, who previously worked for label Von Dutch. Wanting to create a collection that really makes a statement about unique style, Audigier obtained rights to use designs of legendary tattoo artist – Don Ed Hardy and incorporated them into products in conjunction with a splash of his own style which is very relevant to LA trend scene.

Inspired by edgy and creative tattoos, Ed Hardy watches are fresh, bold and contemporary. These watches combine both vintage tattoo art and urban styling with a strong hint of bling with added features such as sparkling rhinestones for a touch of glam factor! With creative eye of Continue>>

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